Towards Sustainable Marine Technology and Transport

Special Announcements


As a tribute to the late Professor A. Yücel Odabaşı’s (1945 – 2009) life-long endeavours in promoting the science of Naval Architecture and in particular Naval Hydrodynamics, a biennial international colloquium aiming to focus on a different theme on each occasion, gathering specialists from around the world, was first organized in 2014 at Istanbul Technical University and the second and the third meetings were held in 2016 and 2018, respectively. After the interruption due to pandemia, fourth colloquium is now scheduled to take place on December 15-16, 2022. The theme of the fourth colloquim is selected as ‘Ship Design & Optimization and Energy Efficient Devices for Fuel Economy”. The goal of this colloquium would be to gather specialists and to create a platform where the recent developments in ship design and optimization, as well as in energy efficient devices are discussed and new opportunities for collaborative research are sought.